Creating Memorable Experiences

Dj Jimmy T Entertainment LLC

Our photo prints are unmatched in quality and precision. We use state-of-the-art printers and the highest quality media available, ensuring your photos come out looking flawless. As one of the pioneers of high-speed dye-sub printers, our prints are instantly dry, professionally laminated, and have the same professional finish as those you would receive from a photo lab.

Open Photobooths

Introducing our Open Photo Booth: Gather your friends and family for an unforgettable group photo experience. Our freestanding background options and spacious bench allow up to 8-10 people to capture the moment together. With a setup requiring only 10x10x8 of floor space, this is the perfect addition to any event looking for some group fun.


Open Photo Booth Pricing: $200.00/hr (3 hr minimum)
**We will set the booth up in advance and remove the booth afterward. Our services refer to the actual Operating Hours.**

Book Now! Open & Enclosed Photobooth Hourly


  • *Unlimited Photos, Unlimited Prints, Unlimited Copies.
  • *Upload photos to Social Media incl. Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
  • *Send Photos to Email Address.
  • *USB Drive w/ all your print images, incl. in all packages.
  • *The Best Camera, powered by a real DSLR. Accept no substitutions.
  • *Highest Quality Prints, Dye-Sublimation. Very fast, instantly dry.
  • *Custom branding on all prints. Names, dates, anything you imagine.
  • *Professional staff to assist you and your guests using the booth. Attendants will also sanitize the props after each use. (AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE)
  • *Wacky props box is available at no charge.
  • *Scrap Book Services Available (**Additional Charge)
  • *Green Screen Available (**Additional Charge)


  • Design your custom Neon Sign for your hedge wall background
  • Yours to keep at conclusion of event, for your personal use.


Enclosed Photobooths (1)

Enclosed Photo Booth Pricing: $250.00/hr (3 hr minimum)

**We will set the booth up in advance and remove the booth afterward. Our services refer to the actual Operating Hours.**

Enclosed photo booths provide many unique advantages:

  • They are completely collapsible and portable, allowing us to set up in almost any location.
  • Designed to be aesthetically pleasing, they compliment your event rather than detracting from it.
  • Our booths are bigger and roomier than others. They can fit up to 10 people at a time! No bending over to get in. Stand up or sit down whatever is most comfortable for your guest. Even guests in wheelchairs can get inside easily.

$50/hr Up Charge for Enclosed Booth

Book Today! Checkout is Above in Open PB Area.

Just use drop down menu reflect Enclosed, Then Select amount of hours.